We Believe - Breaking of Bread

We Believe - Breaking of Bread

We Believe -

Breaking of Bread (Communion)











Jesus asked the disciples to remember His sacrifice and death with bread and wine. This remembrance was inaugurated at the ‘Last Supper’ with Jesus’ command, ‘Do this in remembrance of me’   and has remained at the centre of Christian worship since.

Different denominations and traditions use various titles for this act of remembrance - Eucharist, Holy Communion, Holy Sacrament, The Lord’s Supper, Breaking of Bread. The Breaking of Bread should be a uniting act by all Believers, but over centuries has often become divisive with one denomination refusing to share Communion with another.

There are churches where only an ordained priest is permitted to offer communion, and in some cases that is also interpreted as only male priests. We believe the Bible teaches the priesthood of all true believers, male and female, and therefore the role of ‘priest’ is within each of us who have accepted Christ as Saviour and Lord.

‘and  He has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father’  - Rev. 1:6 [NIV]

We believe the bread and wine are to serve as symbols of Christ’s body given for us and also of the unity of Christ’s Body in the world today, that is His church. So we use ordinary bread and wine. Each worshipper breaks a morsel of bread from the loaf and drinks the wine either from the chalice or from an individual goblet.

We pass bread and wine between one another as a sign of our unity in Christ.

Falcon Lodge Chapel

Reddicap Heath Road

Sutton Coldfield

B75 7ES

Falcon Lodge Chapel

A small church with a BIG heart...

Sharing the love of God

in Falcon Lodge since 1954


© 2019 Falcon Lodge Chapel

Registered Charity (England & Wales) No: 1177925